Monday, October 30, 2006

Cities requiring Business Security Cameras:

Mayor Daley of Chicago is proposing an ordinance that will require businesses to install Digital Video Surveillance Systems if they are open until 4 am or if they are open more than 12 hours a day. Milwaukee is considering requiring cameras at stores that have called police three or more times in a year. Baltimore County, Maryland ordered large malls to put cameras in parking areas after a murder in one garage last year.

Some business owners complain that it is unfair burden on small business, but they are not getting the full picture. DVR Camera Security Systems will save a small business owner in the long run.

• The physical presence of a camera is a deterrence to crime in the first place.
• The Digital Video Recorded Image is a valuable tool to the Police in identifying and apprehending the offenders.
• Employees feel safer when they know the business is monitored.
• Business owners can relax easier when they know their business is monitored 24/7 and they can check on the status of their business remotely over the internet.

Michael Babitch, Dairy Queen Owner in California, praised the system he bought from Camera Security Now, “The money I have saved in employee theft and product shrinkage has more than paid for the system I installed last year”

Whether you are required by government to install Camera Surveillance systems, or you want to reap the benefits Security Cameras, Camera Security Now has the solution to Small Business Surveillance needs.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Burglar Robs Security Camera Store

Burglar robs CCTV camera shop
Metro - London,UK ... most incompetent criminals, we have an impressive new entry – a burglar who decided that the ideal shop to break into would be… a security camera store. ...

Friday, October 20, 2006

Camera Security Now the Economical Solution for Milwaukee Surveillance Camera Law

Downtown Alderman Bob Bauman has proposed an ordinance requiring all Tavern, Bar and Restaurant owners install Camera Surveillance System.

The Prices on Camera Security Systems are all over the place and the quality can be less than desirable. has a High Quality, Low Cost solution for Milwaukee Tavern, Bar and Restaurant Owner.

The Basic Color Surveillance System is a complete turn key system ready for installation. It contains all of the hardware needed to self install a complete Professional Camera Surveillance System.

You can learn more at

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Milwaukee - Tavern Surveillance System Mandate Proposed

Milwaukee's taverns and nightclubs could be required to install security cameras to keep an eye on customers both inside and outside, under an ordinance proposed by City Committee.

Fights, shootings and rowdy behavior are frequently cited - and often disputed - when taverns are facing license suspensions or revocations, and the Committee feels that video will improve the quality of the evidence.

Tavern and Bar owners realize the need for the camera systems, but they are worried about the cost. has economical solutions for the problem. We offer basic systems with everything needed for self installation, or advanced systems with professional installation.

A Good quality Camera Surveillance System will pay for itself in short order, by controlling shrinkage, employee theft and bartenders pouring free drinks.

Find out more: Bar Surveillance Video Equipment

Friday, October 13, 2006

Copier Prank Caught on Security Camera

One more reason why security camameras are important to your business. This guy was photocopying his butt when he broke the copier glass and got stuck.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Security Camera Sees Shooting

Security camera captures shooting of woman
Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
A security camera filmed a man shoot a woman in the face outside a Flemingdon Park plaza, then another camera captured his image confronting a security guard ...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Got a Server Migration Project? Rent a pc server (Computer Rentals)

The latest option in the network engineer playbook, rent a network server.

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Bazooka Golf Club blasts you out of the rough for less bucks

The Bazooka JMAX Tour Iron-Wood gives you the performance of today's hybrids without the distraction of an oversized head.

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Golf Club Blog - New site, great information, advice and prices

Here is a new golf club blog that features new clubs for sale along with advice and information. Golf pros will be providing tips with photos and videos.

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